Sachin Speech and Occupational Therapy

Sachin Speech Therapy in Uttarakhand

"Sachin Speech Therapy and Occupational Therapy in Haridwar-Uttarakhand, Rishikesh-Uttarakhand" for children is a specialized program designed to help children improve their speech and language skills, as well as develop their fine and gross motor skills. Our team of experienced therapists work closely with each child to create individualized treatment plans that cater to their specific needs and goals.

Through a combination of fun and engaging activities, personalized exercises, and positive reinforcement, we aim to make the therapy sessions enjoyable and effective for children of all ages. Our ultimate goal is to empower children to communicate effectively, build confidence, and achieve their full potential in both their academic and social lives.

At "Sachin Speech Therapy and Occupational Therapy", we believe in the importance of early intervention and ongoing support to help children overcome any challenges they may face. We are dedicated to providing a nurturing and supportive environment where every child feels valued and encouraged to succeed.

Why Join Us

Sachin Speech and Hearing Centre in Uttarakhand

If you're looking for the best speech therapist in Uttarakhand, look no further. Our therapist is not only highly skilled and experienced, but also incredibly supportive and well-mannered. Whether you're seeking speech therapy for yourself or a loved one, we understand that it can be a sensitive and challenging process.

That's why we pride ourselves on creating a warm and welcoming environment where our clients feel comfortable and supported every step of the way. With our expert guidance and personalized treatment plans, we can help you achieve your speech and language goals and improve your quality of life. Don't hesitate to reach out and schedule an appointment with us today.


Speech therapy is a treatment for speech and language disorders. A speech disorder involves a problem producing words and sounds, whereas a language disorder refers to a difficulty understanding words and putting together sentences and ideas for communication. Speech therapy helps individuals gain the ability to communicate through speech and language. Some People have trouble saying certain sounds or words. This can be frustrating because others may have trouble understanding what they’re trying to say. The good news is that People who have trouble saying certain sounds or understanding others can go to a special kind of therapist for help — speech therapists.

Sachin Speech and Hearing Centre in Uttarakhand


Sachin Speech and Hearing Centre in Uttarakhand
  • Occupational therapy
  • Speech Therapy (Individual and Group)
  • Speech Language Therapy
  • Sensory Integration Therapy
  • Behaviour Therapy
  • Special Education
  • Psychological Assessment

Occupational THERAPY?

Occupational therapy serves as a form of therapy in real-life scenarios, empowering children with functional, psychological, developmental, cognitive, and emotional challenges to overcome obstacles hindering their access to, retention in, or return to work or other productive activities.

Deals with..

  • Cerebral Palsy
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder(ASD)
  • Attention Deficit Disorder(ADHD)
  • Global Developmental Delay
  • Sensory Processing Disorder
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Down Syndrome
  • Behavioral Issues
  • Cognitive Issues
  • Mental Retardation
  • Learning Disabilities
  • Traumatic Injuries

Occupational Therapy Benefits

  • Develop fine motor skills
  • Improve eye–hand coordination
  • Master basic life skills
  • Learn positive behaviours
  • Learn social & self help skills
  • Improves strength & endurance
  • Increase sitting span
  • Increase attention span
  • Attaining developmental milestones
  • Develop peer relationships
  • Improves Visual Processing skills
  • Improving Gross motor skills
  • Learn how to self-regulate
  • Improve posture and Prevent falls

How Occupational Therapy helps?

  • An individualized patient’s assessment.
  • Identification of the issues & concerns.
  • Developing treatment plans.
  • Therapeutic intervention
  • An outcome evaluation
  • Let Patient pick the activity of interest
  • Advice for positive patient’s home environment

Frequently Asked Questions

The fee charged by the rehabilitation center depends on the treatment the person requires and the days he/she would stay at the center.
To book an appointment at Sachin Therapy & Hearing Centre, you can call them at the provided number during their working hours from Monday to Sunday 6.00am - 9.00pm.